Dance 2 (It’s all about the Genes)
An exploration of ideas from genetics, expressed through dance.
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Chasing Climatic Change
The effects of climate change on animals, from mammoths to polar bears.
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Dial P for Physics
The Physics Squad investigate a curious case of murder, where the instrument of death is… a paint can.
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Jack And The Beanstalk
Mining a pantomime for every last drop of biology. There’s more than you’d expect. Oh, yes there is!
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Dance 1 Genetics
An interpretation of and response to genetics, inheritance, and identity, in dance.
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The Diffusion Cloud Chamber
The paths of invisible particles rendered visible before your very eyes.
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Diamonds are a girl’s best friend
Turning carbon into diamond, using only a gigantic laboratory press.
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Levitation: Science or Magic?
Levitating table-tennis balls and droplets of water. Wait, levitating *water*? Seriously?
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