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Adult , Demonstration , Drama , Earth Science & Environment , Explanation , Family
A volcano erupts in… Teddington! A study of the three V’s of volcanoes; volume, volatiles, and viscosity.
Director's Notes:
A fantasy inspired by a kit for making a Giant Volcano - what would happen if a volcano erupted in Teddington? Educationally the aim is to communicate the idea of the three Vs used to describe volcanic magma:
- Volume (normally measured in cubic kilometres, but here measured in cubic millimetres!);
- Volatiles (the carbon dioxide and water vapour in the magma);
- Viscosity (which determines whether the magma piles up around the mouth of the Volcano or runs away).
Made my Michael de Podesta. Christian de Podesta wishes to make clear he was not in any way involved in this piece of embarrassing nonsense.
SciCast Notes:
We’ve seen dozens of these bicarbonate-of-soda-and-vinegar volcano films, often involving the same kit as shown here. Kudos, then, for finding something different to say about it. Proper vulcanology, no less.
This was another film that got trapped in limbo for the best part of a year. My apologies to Michael, though I suspect Christian will be dismayed the film’s seeing the light of day at all. Not that he was involved. In any way. Obviously.
— Jonathan.