Walking on Water
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Chemistry , Demonstration , Explanation , Physics , Secondary
Surface tension, and why people can’t do what some insects can.
Director's Notes:
Team Walking on Water write:
The film investigates why some insects have the ability to walk on water whilst we as humans cannot.
SciCast Notes:
St. Paul’s School have been stalwarts of the SciCast scene since our first year, and they turn in consistently well-crafted films. They write clear explanations, and are particularly adept at judging how much science to include. They’ve even developed something of a house style.
If I’m being critical, I’d say that they could allow themselves a bit more fun. Perhaps ‘fun’ isn’t the right word — more like ‘indulgence’, maybe? For example, I’d have loved to have seen more of the paperclip-floating-on-water experiment. The blue-dyed water is gorgeously shot and lit, and when you can achieve shots of that quality it seems a shame not to relish them. While filming it, somebody must have said “That looks fabulous!” — listening to that instinct and running with it could have made this film, to me, something very special indeed.
So they’ll just have to settle for me thinking it’s merely extremely good. I know, I know, there’s no pleasing some people.
— Jonathan