Physics for the Inquiring Mind
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Demonstration , Explanation , Physics , Secondary
Unimonk the Experimental Monkey demonstrates Newton’s laws of motion.
Director's Notes:
No animals were harmed in the making of this film. Apart from one of the students, who had an apple dropped on her head.
SciCast Notes:
This is extremely clear and well-planned, and for once I’m wholly in favour of putting in the out-takes. It’s easy for things you find funny while you’re filming to look plain dull when they’re seen by someone else, months later, but these are well-chosen, and help lighten up an otherwise straight film.
It’s great work. I like the approach to doing captions, too — don’t waste time with fiddly software, just write what you want on a piece of paper and point the camera at that. Works a treat.
— Jonathan.