How Wavelength Affects Pitch
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Demonstration , Explanation , Physics , Secondary
The relationship between pitch and wavelength.
Director's Notes:
Team Phree write:
We explore the ways in which the pitch of sounds affects wavelength… and vice-verse. We made this film using a basic video camera, in and around school. We were going to use a Rubens tube, however we couldn’t get it working… so used Slinky springs to show wave patterns instead.
SciCast Notes:
Nominee: Technical and Artistic Achievement, 2009
Nominee: Institute of Physics Best SciCast Physics Film, 2009
Anyone who thinks that two and a half minutes isn’t enough to say anything needs to watch this film. There are about ten scenes, not including bridging links, and the whole thing is beautifully written to flow smoothly from one idea to the next. Really terrific writing, with very clear illustrations using video effects and animation appropriately, rather than distractingly.
The film also avoids the easy trap of being so carefully-considered that all style and humour is bludgeoned out of it; it’s still fun and engaging.
In my view, it’s one of the best-constructed films we’ve seen so far on SciCast. Terrific work.
— Jonathan