Cola Volcano
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Chemistry , Demonstration , Physics , Secondary
The cola and mentos experiment, with a stunt man.
Director's Notes:
Team Jazz write:
A cola and mentos volcano goes off at the expense of a poor plasticene man!! A really easy experiment but very messy!
The music is Djad by Instinct
SciCast Notes:
One of my usual mantras is ‘hold the camera still!’ There are times, however, when moving the camera adds to the film. In this case, the camera operator is clearly too close to the demonstration, and backs off in a bit of a rush. The result isn’t easy to watch (especially given so many repeats), as it’s rather wobbly, but it does help capture the feeling of being there at the time.
So, while I don’t think anyone would claim that this is the best film SciCast’s ever seen, the team have been smart in realising that it’s still worth sending in. Your film doesn’t have to be a fabulous and high-quality epic to be of value — sometimes simple is better.
— Jonathan.