The Speed of Light
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Award Nominees , Demonstration , Experiment , Explanation , Physics , Primary
Measuring the speed of light using a microwave oven. Or: a monumental waste of perfectly good chocolate. Depends on your point of view.
Director's Notes:
How to use chocolate in a microwave to measure the speed of light. Some team members would rather eat it!
Nominee: Best Demonstration, 2011
SciCast Notes:
This is a tremendously well-rehearsed performance, and it’s really well put together. I love the whiteboard use, and the very matter-of-fact explanation. Nicely done. Utterly brilliant expressions at the end, too.
One detail: for this to work, I believe you need to take the turntable out of your microwave oven. I don’t actually have a microwave oven here to check, but that’s how I’ve always heard of this particular experiment, and it makes sense, no?
See this other version of the same experiment for a slightly different take.
— Jonathan
Kids age 10-12 in England are learning what high-schoolers are learning in America. That's pretty sad, America.