Exploding Bubble Volcano
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Chemistry , Demonstration , Experiment , Make & Do , Primary
The baking powder and vinegar classic.
Director's Notes:
Team The Super Scientists write:
Our film is about an erupting volcano using backing soda and vinegar to give the effect (irreversible reaction). Experiment from about.com/chemistry.
SciCast Notes:
I love the choreography of this. Particularly ‘hiding behind a table when you’re clearly visible’, and no I’m not being sarcastic. It’s very well-rehearsed, and confidently performed.
If only the camera was closer — everything’s so small it’s hard to see what’s going on, and we’re left with one of the performers neither in nor out of shot, but hovering on the edge.
However, the key shot is the close-up of the reaction. Lots of films of this experiment miss that completely, but this doesn’t — great stuff.
I’m not convinced we yet have the definitive film of this demonstration, but this is close. Closest yet?
— Jonathan