Peanut Party

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License: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike Peanut Party Peanutters
Views: 1766
23 Jan, 2009


for a party effect? Try this Peanut Lava Lamp.

Director's Notes:

A classic experiment (drop some peanuts in a glass of lemonade; watch what happens), given a dramatic touch.

SciCast Notes:

I thought I was going to hate this. ‘Oh no,’ I thought, ‘A film with people trying to act, putting a deceptively subtle experiment in a dramatic setting. It’s going to be a mess.’ But it’s much better than that.

OK, so bits of it make no sense. That’s fine, constructing a drama is hard. What’s much more important is that the team have taken it seriously, and really thought through what they’re doing. Our never seeing the face of Dr. A, for example, is a masterstroke, and nicely realised with the over-the-shoulder shot in his lair. The acting isn’t half bad either - there’s not much time to squeeze in things like the deep breath before knocking on the door, but keeping that in was absolutely the right decision. Touches like the oversize remote control are funny, too.

So, this is a brave effort. It’s not an entirely successful film, I think it’s fair to say, but SciCast is as much about the process as the end result. This team have put lots of time and care into their film, and should be commended for that.

— Jonathan.