Centripetal Forces
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Explanation , Instruction , Physics , Secondary
Centripetal forces, and what affects them.
Director's Notes:
Say Sam and Will:
We purposely put in the red frames to add a bit of humour to the video, and also because we lacked films to fill these gaps with, so please could you keep these in the video.
OK. We thought they were funny too, actually.
SciCast Notes:
The team seem convinced this film is rubbish. It’s technically too long for the competition, so we offered to chop the end credits to bring it down to time, but they’re having none of it.
A shame, because I actually rather like it. This is tricky stuff to cover, and using the car track is a brilliant way of getting at some gritty physics.
The red frames also crack me up because that’s exactly what video edit systems do when it’s all gone wrong and they can’t find your footage. When you’re making a TV show you watch it play out to tape, just to make sure there isn’t a glimpse of that dreaded ‘MEDIA OFFLINE’ warning. I live in terror of accidentally broadcasting that. So doing it on purpose is funny. But perhaps I’m odd.
Anyway, I think this is a valiant effort tackling some difficult science. What do you think? Don’t forget to leave comments in the next tab over.
— Jonathan.