Solids, Liquids, and Gases
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Award Nominees , Chemistry , Demonstration , Explanation , Physics , Primary
A demo showing the differences between solids, liquids and gases… from 7 and 8 year olds!
Director's Notes:
This is a film from possibly the youngest children involved in the competition — they’re 7 and 8 years old! They found a book in my class that had factsheets about solids, liquids and gases (I think it came from a Yorkshire Purchasing catalogue). Very easy to do with the young ones as all experiments are clean and simple. They needed a little help with their script but I am very pleased with how it turned out.
— Steve McClintock, Glasgow.
SciCast Notes:
Nominee: Institute of Physics Best SciCast Physics Film, 2008
Nominee: Best Film, the Jurors’ Grand Prize 2008
Aw, bless! This is almost unbearably cute.
Good solid science, though, and simply but cleanly put together. What really makes it is the enthusiastic presentation, which is thoroughly charming.
Oh, and the scissors. I like the scissors. Good gag.
— Jonathan
İ very like the vidio!İt is a good vidio!
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