Slime Time!
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Views: 1500
07 Feb, 2008

Chemistry , Demonstration , Experiment , Physics , Secondary
Chemistry , Demonstration , Experiment , Physics , Secondary
Cornflour and water mix to produce a liquid. Solid. No, liquid. No, wait…
Director's Notes:
Solid or liquid? A mixture of cornflour and water can behave like either depending on how it’s handled. Taken from Planet Science’s own Little Book of Experiments.
SciCast Notes:
Great hair!
Walking around to the camera to show us that horrid gloopy close-up is absolutely the right thing to do, and I love the general sense of fun in this. Whoever’s banging their feet on their lab stool right next to the camera can stop, please, but apart from that this is a lovely, charming film. Nicely done.
— Jonathan