Deep Sea Fishy
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Biology , Demonstration , Explanation , Physics , Secondary
Particles, pressure, and what happens to deep-sea fish brought to the surface.
Director's Notes:
Arrange a small balloon in a sealed bell jar, then connect a vacuum pump. As the air is removed the balloon expands, until eventually it pops.
[Admin’s note: Apologies for the drop-outs on this one — that’s how the film arrived. We’ve tried to contact the team, and they’re welcome to submit a fixed version.]
SciCast Notes:
Danger! Exploding fish!
I just love the way ‘…the fish explodes’ is said so casually. As if it’s an everyday sort of thing to happen. But the analogy is sound, even if I’m suspicious of the biology.
The shaken particle box is a nice attempt to illustrate what’s happening, but since it’s much closer to the microphone than the people speaking, it’s rather hard to understand. It would have been better to move it further away, zoom in, and have the speakers stand close to the camera. Better still to record the narration separately, if you have the means to do that.
But no worries — it’s a straightforward yet strangely quirky film. Well done.
— Jonathan.