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Animation , Explanation , Physics , Secondary
A film about helicopters, prepared as physics homework.
Director's Notes:
Say the film-makers:
The film describes how to make a helicopter and then explains some of the physics of how it spins and how the length of the wings affects its speed.
SciCast Notes:
I must offer groveling apologies to this team, who submitted their films months ago and have been hugely patient waiting for me to publish them. Sorry, folks! Here’s the first — there are two more from the same school coming.
As for the film itself: I’ve said before that I like this sort of animation. It’s simple, controllable, and makes a change from stark labs or dingy school halls. Here, the stick figures gain a bit of character from their boggling eyes, and the animation is not half bad.
So, I like this. It’s quick, clear, simple, and has just enough personality to it. Good job.
(nice to have some Welsh representation here, too!)
— Jonathan.