links: December 2007 Archives


We’re aware of two other contests for short science films you might like to enter.

The first is being run by New Scientist to promote their new book How to Fossilise Your Hamster. Their video rules are fairly similar to SciCast’s — your film will be easily short enough, though:

“You need to include a concise explanation of what you are filming and it should be something that can be done, in or around the home.”

Great prizes, by the way. Deadline is 31st December, with entries via YouTube.

The second contest is Sci-Film 2008, being held as part of the Wrexham Science Festival in March. As a short film festival, the prize is being selected to be shown in the festival itself; entry deadline is 15th February.

Again, films you submit to SciCast should be eligible — and if you wanted to expand on your theme they’ll allow you up to 10 minutes.

Good luck!

We've only just heard of this project sponsored by Google and Specialized bicycles. Sadly it's now too late to enter for this year, but making pedal-powered contraptions was still a genius idea. There are videos of dozens of entries; our particular favourites include the bicycle tennis server, the elegantly-simple but perhaps mildly pointless pedal hacksaw, the amphibious bike-yak (though – hang on a minute – why doesn't it sink again?), and the bicycle water distiller, which must be darned hard work.
At this stage, the films on SciCast are skewed a bit too heavily towards physics. We need more chemistry! We need more earth sciences! We need more biology!

"Oh, but," everyone says, "it's so much harder to find ideas for biology demonstrations."

"Pish and twaddle!" we respond (for we really do talk like that at SciCast HQ).

"Let us point you towards this most excellent resource of soil-related activities,"

A huge and wonderful site. And as my grandfather used to say "Where there's muck, there's cinematic gold."
Here at Planet SciCast orbiting world headquarters, we continue to be huge fans of the Instructables site. Catching our eye this week is: making potato chips in the microwave. Take lots of care if you do this (sharp knives, hot things, and all that): and film yourself doing it! Then send us the film, so we can all be jealous of your crisps. Unless you make ginger and blue cheese flavour crisps, in which case we're fine, thanks.

'But where,' I hear you ask, 'is the science?'

Ah, there's plenty. Why do the crisps go crispy, for starters?
This afternoon's edition of iPM on Radio 4 (5:30–6pm) features an interview with me, about SciCast; the show running order is here, and here's a blog post from the journalist I spoke to.

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This page is a archive of entries in the links category from December 2007.

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