events: May 2008 Archives


Award You might have noticed these creeping in over the last few days, but: they’re back! It’s a slightly different set of photos to before, so if you’re missing one you particularly wanted please drop us a line.

Good places to start are the Ceremony and Reception sets, or just dive in to the full album. As before, if you click through to individual photos you’ll find an ‘all sizes’ button that allows you to download large versions for printing.

We took the photos down, by the way, because we’d casually given everyone at the event a name badge. Since we’ve spent the last two years trying very hard to avoid publishing likeness, name and school for individual children, this wasn’t the brightest thing we’ve done. This new set of photos, then, has names painted out (some more neatly than others, I’m sorry to say), and next year the badges will be first names only.

Live and learn, eh?


83A1B69B-9351-4306-883B-0A68214FBD83.jpg We’ve posted loads — and we really do mean loads — of photos from last Friday’s awards to the SciCast Flickr account.

If you click through to the individual photos you’ll find an ‘All sizes’ button, which allows you to download a really gigantic version of each photo, suitable for printing.

We’ll work our way through and caption the photos as best we can, but you can help us by leaving comments. In particular, do let us know if we’ve labelled anything incorrectly, and we’ll get it sorted.

(These photos are all by Laura Mtungwazi, who worked her socks off and did a great job.)

[UPDATE Saturday 3/5/2008: we’ve taken the gallery down temporarily while we sort some details. The photos will be back as soon as we can manage.]

[UPDATE 2 Thursday 8/5/2008: The photos are back up again - see this post for details.]

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the events category from May 2008.

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