admin: April 2010 Archives


The submission deadline for SciCast 2010 is: TOMORROW!

Wait — for many schools that’s right at the end of the Easter holidays, and hence about the worst possible date we could have picked. Can we be serious? Well, no, not really.

We checked and re-checked when picking the date, double-checked and checked again, and still Easter has ended up leaping out of nowhere and ambushing us. Sorry about that. However, we’ve always been a little… flexible about our deadlines.

If you want to enter but can’t quite do it in time, go to the submission page and start the process, then upload your film and post us the paperwork as soon as you can.

So long as everything arrives next week you should be fine — the week after may be pushing things too far, but if there are particular circumstances you can’t avoid then drop us a line and we’ll do our very best to accommodate you.

About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the admin category from April 2010.

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