ideas: November 2007 Archives


I can't begin to say how much I want one of these construction sets, available from Think Geek in the US (yes, they will ship internationally, but if you find a UK distributor please let us know in the comments here). The retailer have done a perfectly good introductory film here, but there must be more one can get out of the set for a SciCast audience.



I guess we’ve all seen the hovercraft made from an old CD, a balloon, and a squeezy bottle top (you haven’t? Instructions here) – next up in complexity is the foam-tray-and-propeller variety. Here’s a nice write-up of one such design at Instructables.

It can be tricky to get hold of suitable motors and propellers in the UK, but your local branch of Maplin will likely have something usable.

If you try making one, point a camera at yourself doing so and send us the result. Obviously.

(ed’s note: woohoo! First ‘proper’ entry!)

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This page is a archive of entries in the ideas category from November 2007.

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