Jonathan: October 2008 Archives


Here’s a terrific source of ideas — the American Science Buddies website. They have a huge catalogue of project ideas, categorised by subject area, difficulty, how long they might take, and how much materials might cost you. There are also extensive links lists to source materials, to get you started.

Projects in the vast directory range from mucking about with yeast to making your own seismograph. There are about 700 ideas in there, so you should find something to your liking.

Great stuff.


We never really went away, we were just quiet for a while. But we’re back now… and if you’re wondering why we’re referring to ourselves in the plural, well, stay tuned — we have exciting announcements.

Well, not that exciting, frankly, so to keep you interested: our current favourite ‘cheap’ camera, the Flip Ultra, has recently had a price cut. it’s down to £80 from Amazon and other suppliers.

These really are terrific little things, and they’re now 20% cheaper than they were last week. Bonus.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Jonathan in October 2008.

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