SciCast Blog

Science video – ideas, techniques, sources, uses

Box Office Bioethics: a film competition


Nuffield Council on Bioethics has launched a competition asking young budding film-makers to make creative and engaging short films that explore contemporary bioethics issues in medicine and biology.

The competition, called Box Office Bioethics, is open to students in the UK and Republic of Ireland, where they can enter as individuals or in teams in three categories: Year 11 and under, Years 12 and 13, and Undergraduate.

Winners will receive coveted prizes, including £200 in gift vouchers and the film being screened at the council’s annual public lecture.

The deadline is 24 February 2012.

For more details and information on how to enter the competition visit: and

About this Entry

This page contains an entry by Julianna published on September 26, 2011 9:32 AM.

SciCast 2012 Announcement was the previous entry in this blog.

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