Absolute Absorbency or Not?
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Artistic/Creative , Award Nominees , Award Winners , Comedy , Demonstration , Experiment , Investigation , Physics , Primary
Testing which clothing would be most suitable to wear on a rainy day.
Director's Notes:
Team Barnes Primary 61! wrote:
Our film included children in both classes in year 3 (61 pupils), along with their teachers and another teacher who helped to edit.
They tested a variety of clothes to see which absorbed the most water, and which the least — and hence worked out whether pyjamas would be a good choice for keeping you dry in a downpour.
SciCast Notes:
Winner: Best Film — Primary, 2009
This is just delightful. Utterly, utterly charming, and a brilliantly funny experiment. Behind-the-scenes it must have been an immense task, coordinating so many participants (yes, there really were 61 of them).
It’s a shame the picture quality is so poor, but it’s still a superb piece of work, and a worthy winner.
— Jonathan.